
I'm David.

I'm a Full-Stack Software Developer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Anime Search

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    Anime Search is a search platform to find anime. Right off the home page, the search page allows users to input titles of different shows, and Anime Search will display the top 12 results. Users can also filter by ranking, to display worse ranking shows. API CREDITS: Top Anime API by HRAIRI Mehdi.

  • Treact - Company Website

    Html, CSS

    Treact is a UI Project, built for looks. This mock company website mixes minimalism with consistency. With a theme of purple, the website scrolls down smoothly, showing key design features that can help keep customers on the site.

  • Library App

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    Library is an online book store, built for ecommerce. The concept site allows books to be displayed for sale. The site displays featured books, the books price and ratings, and allows the user to filter the library based on the price and ratings.